PPC-101 |
Pirastro's Perpetual Cello
Set: Medium, Soloist or Edition. |
Pirastro first offers these
3 sets, but they also offer other additional gauges
not included in the pre-sets above here. If you
want to combine different gauged strings, you can do
so, but by selecting them here individually. They
should always add up to the same set price. |
PPC-102 |
Perpetual cello A strings come in Medium, Soloist
Medium, Soloist Weich (light), Soloist Stark, and
Edition. |
Confused? Go to our
Perpetual Page
PPC-103 |
Perpetual D string: Medium,
Soloist or Edition |
PPC-104 |
Perpetual Tungsten G string:
Medium, Cadenza, Stark and Soloist |
PPC-105 |
Perpetual Tungsten C string:
Medium, Cadenza, Stark and Soloist |